PoliciesCrime & Security


POLICIESCrime & Security

Tina’s reverence for veterans extends to our men and women of law enforcement. From beat cops to detectives to school security, Tina has been unapologetically disgusted at the way politicians like AOC and Bill De Blasio have abused their pulpit to vilify the men and women who risk life and limb on a daily basis. All the while using their taxpayer salaries to hire private security or stealing millions of taxpayer funds for art projects in front of Trump Tower. Tina has protested defunding the Police while AOC promoted it.

While to AOC “Defund the Police Means Defund the Police” to Tina and the rest of NY 14 ‘Defund the Police’ has meant NO schools security, NO anti-crime officers, NO gang monitoring crime and NO confidence. Restoring this confidence means getting to DC and fighting to punish politicians who Defund their Police or push failed Bail “reform” laws that legalize crime. To Tina, the victim and our community in District will always come FIRST!

Tina says : “Defund the politicians until they refund our cops. Our tax dollars shouldn’t go to your private security, they should go securing our streets.”

Paid for by Real Tina For Congress
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